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The "See You Later" Moment

A mother and daughter share a warm hug while unloading belongings from a car in front of a brick building.
The "See You Later" Moment
Posted about 2 months ago in Orientation Hub Fall '24 Incoming Transfer Families.

Your student has moved into their dorm, received their student ID, and it is finally time to say goodbye.  The final in-person contact with your student as they embark on the next chapter of their life can be filled with a plethora of emotions.  Here at William & Mary, we call this the "see you later" moment.  And it is just that.  Not a final goodbye, but a bye for now with the knowledge and reassurance that you will reconnect again.  Any and all emotions can be anticipated for this special moment between you and your student.

We recognize that what this moment means to you and your student will differ from family to family.  Some families may need more time allotted to process this transition while others might just need one more hug to tide them over for a few weeks.  This could depend on a number of factors from you and your individual family's preferences, to distance away from home, or varying communication styles.  This moment can also be difficult in varying degrees for different family members.  Younger siblings, in particular, can struggle to understand and cope with the change of a family member leaving the home.  Consider what the ideal "see you later" moment would look like for you and your student and do these expectations match. 

While it may be tempting to continue seeing your student to delay the final departure, this robs your student of the opportunity to establish their new environment and begin their new life as a college student.  Luckily, your student is in great hands with our Orientation Aides who are thrilled to welcome your student to our bigger W&M family and make the adjustment as smooth as possible. Please rest assured that this definitive separation is not forever, just for now.  Some families find it easier to deal with all that comes with the "see you later" moment if they have a plan as to when the next time they will be together in person again.  For many, Family Weekend provides this first opportunity in the Fall Semester.  

Furthermore, anticipate there being several "see you later" moments throughout your student's time at William & Mary.  Each moment has its own form, challenges, and needs.  But each time, carry with you the knowledge that you have prepared your student for this next chapter and not only will they be okay, but so will you. 

Key Points:

  • You will hear us reference the "See you later" moment. This will be the moment you say bye for now with the knowledge and reassurance that it's not forever. Maybe just until Family Weekend or Fall Break!
  • You should not plan to see your student following your individual "See You Later" moments. Please reference the Parent & Family Orientation schedule for guidance on when this should occur.
  • Every family will handle the "See you later" moment differently. This depends on a number of factors from your individual family member preferences, to distance away from home, varying communication styles, etc.
  • Prepare for this moment by discussing expectations as a family. Expectations may not align initially, so talking through this ahead of time can prevent day of frustrations when emotions will be heightened.
  • While it may be tempting to try and see your student as many times as possible before you leave town, this will prevent them from truly settling into their new community. Be mindful that you aren't intentionally delaying the inevitable and hindering your student's ability to make connections. 
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